Reflexology by BeverlyMalvern, Worcestershire

Reflexology Lymph Drainage. RLD logo

Reflexology Lymph Drainage

RLD is an award winning reflexology technique which focuses on stimulating the lymphatic reflexes on the feet. The aim is to cause an effect on the lymphatic system in the body. It is a unique sequence that has been researched and developed by Sally Kay (BSc(Hons), whilst working in Cancer Care.

Sally originally developed the technique in order to help survivors of breast cancer, which according to Cancer Research UK (2011), is the most common cancer in the UK, with a lifetime risk of developing it of 1:8 for women in the UK. Approximately 20% of these patients develop secondary lymphedema of the arm following treatment for breast cancer and subsequent surgery of radiotherapy to the axillary lymph nodes.

Results from recent research have shown that RLD may be helpful in the management of secondary lymphedema following treatment for breast cancer. Sally's innovative approach has attracted national and international awards and widespread recognition, and plans are in place for further research.

This treatment may also be useful for support with other more common conditions linked to your lymphatic system.

If you would like to find our more about the ground breaking technique and research please click here

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